Personal Injury Attorneys in St. Augustine

and premises liability. Consult us todayThe Legal System is there in place to protect your essential rights and not meant to daunt you. Choosing the right Personal injury Attorney is very crucial as it is your best means to safeguard your rights. Alexander Law Firm located in St.John’s county in St.Augustine provides the best Personal Injury Legal services to clients and have several years of courtroom experience under their belt.

A Personal injury case may be divided into three phases – an Investigative phase, a Negotiation phase and a Litigation phase. Some aspects of these three phases overlap and sometimes the need for a litigation phase is not there.

What does your Personal Injury Attorney do during each phase?

1. Investigative Phase

Make as much notes, obtain photographs about the scene of accident by visiting the location where the accident took place on the very same day
Reviewing Medical Records, Hospital reports, Reports from Emergency responders, treating physician’s statements and emergency room reports
Reviewing Police reports and records from the scene of the accident
Interviewing people who witnessed the accident

2. Negotiation Phase

Make contact with the Insurance company of the entity that is responsible for your injuries and examine the possibilities and steps involved with the settlement.
Make appropriate documentation about your injuries and provide it to the insurers
Preparation of a letter demanding settlement and sending it to the insurance authorities for approval
Dealing with adjustment tactics and ensuring that the settlement amount is reasonable and not too low

3. Litigation Phase

When the Negotiation process fails to reach an amicable resolution, the process of litigation becomes necessary. The following are steps in the litigation process :

Filing lawsuits and naming the parties and completion of filing the legal claims
Actively engage in the fact-finding process and send the requests for legal documents to the defendant
Ensuring throughout the litigation process that your rights are protected
Settlements discussions and Negotiations, in the presence of a mediator or discussion amongst attorneys to arrive at a fair settlement.

Alexander Law Firm strives to support victims from various injuries such as Brain injury, Bicycle or Car accidents, Construction accidents, injuries to children, wrongful death and premises liability. Consult us today, for we are the leading Personal injury attorneys in St. Augustine & Ponte Vedra Cities and neighborhood areas, who always put our clients ahead of our profession.

Disclaimer: This is a Guest author on the site and the material available on blog is general information and opinion which we hope will be useful. It is not intended to be, nor is it a substitute for, professional consultation.